Tuesday, November 20, 2007

same ol ish. urry fuckin day.


pretty much a lot of nothing has been going on for me. i mean, i been making a lot of beats, working on an album with 9dm, going to a lot of shows, working, and pretty much just keeping my self busy. i guess thats a good thing. but life just seems boring now a days. i need a change REALLY soon!! ya feels me? maybe a lady in my life or something. that would cheer a brotha up for sure. my problem is..... the ones i like. usualy have a bf "i find out after the fact i start to like them" or else they just dont like me like that. its always the girls im not interested in that like me. lol there in my shoes in that situation i guess lol.

other than that. the album with 9dm, produced by myself and stalemate is coming along VERY nicely. got like 12 tracks finished. just a few more n its time to get it mastered n pressed. so we can spread it around to all of you. i have a good feeling about this ALBUM. the quality on it is very dope. i got a new mic and shit so that helped a lot.

new years eve is the wu-tang clan/sandpeople show. thats the only thing im looking forward to right now. I'm trying to find a date for that. so if any of you lady's reading this would like to be my date. holler at me!!

thats it for now.

lawz spoken

1 comment:

Leas said...

Haha I definitely feel you on that same old ish Brujah! I feel like all I do is work...

& Greg was telling me some good things about the album you guys are working on! He sounds excited about it.... Which makes me VERY excited to hear it! I can't wait til its out. For sure gonna be FIYA!